Saturday, February 15, 2014


Okay, so I haven't updated my blog in a REEEEAAALLLLY long time. My apologies, I am making a serious effort to get back into the hobby and to get out there and continue to take some pictures, ALSO. I have some artwork that needs to be uploaded on here for sure. Sorry for the absence.

Here are some pictures that I am fond of, taken at various points throughout the year. I'm not going to attempt a coherent, chronological post here because I am just too behind. I am however, going to promise to get back to the regular content on here. Again, thanks for the visit!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Four Oh Three

Back in the City! Good to be home and bumming around Calgary again, can't wait for all the leaves to emerge and the greenery and summer in the city to get under way! Walked around one windy night downtown and got some shots of the Center Street Lions and a huge swath of Sea Gulls squawking in the river. Anybody who hasn't walked along the south side of the river, east of Chinatown should definitely get down there, the new LED lights they put up really make it a cool walk and they put in really nice sitting areas that overhang the river bank as well. Also if anybody wants to snorkel with me, get a wet suit! Its the best. Keep up the good work Calgary.

PS I'm pretty stoked about the Lion picture.

Monday, November 26, 2012


It's been a while (again) and I need to get better at doing this more regularly and taking photos and being creative and ALL THAT STUFF. But in the meantime here is some of the latest from this fall and now more recently winter. Enjoy and I will be hopefully posting more pictures before Christmas time! Thanks for checking it out!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


As the summer went on I kind of just got continually more and more busy and less and less in touch with my laptop, the resulting blog drought lasted quite some time but I\m glad to say that I am committing to taking more photos and looking forward to uploading some recent artwork again in the coming weeks! This is basically a photo dump of my favorite photos of the last month or so, with my favorite being the very first picture which I feel sums up everything that I love about my homeland in a fuzzy minimalist kinda way. Thanks for stopping by once again and I hope everyone is having a wicked summer!

About Me

My photo
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Just a dude with some pens, pencils, markers, and a camera. The natural world is my inspiration for all my art, I often borrow concepts and ideas from the creepy crawly inhabitants living in my back yard, on the beach, or in books I read. I also get alot of my ideas by the visuals in my head I get upon contemplating the titles of songs from many of my favorite bands. Most of which are metal bands, needless to say there are some interesting song titles within the genre. As of late I have had a re-awakening of the spider lover within me, reminiscent of my days as a young boy out in the yard with a magnifying glass.